Services Offered | Blackburn Cattle Company Inc.
Available trailers and transport services
We have multiple drivers to take on several jobs at once, and custom hauling options are available. We also have several options for each available trailer to accommodate your needs, including multiple livestock trailers that can be used to complete a single job.
Agricultural services
Our drivers and trailers are capable of helping transport a wide variety of agricultural goods. We are equipped to carry livestock, hay, grain and equipment. We have several different trailers, including:
- Multiple livestock trailers in various sizes, including up to quad axle capability
- Dry van trailer
- Grain trailer
- Pneumatics for hauling goods such as distillers grain
Commercial services
We understand that businesses require different types of hauling than a simple standard truck or flatbed trailer. It’s easy to transport your goods with our available commercial services, trucks and trailers, including:
- Aggregate services
- Triple axle belly dump trucks
- Side dump trucks, triple axle
- Pneumatics for dry bulk items, such as fly ash and bentonite
Other services
Not everything that needs to be hauled falls in the agricultural or commercial categories, but if you need something hauled, we look for a solution to help get the job done. We also offer:
- Flatbed services and equipment hauling
- Liquid hauling, including fresh water and production water for well sites
Construction work
We have recently started taking on some smaller construction jobs in the surrounding area. Mainly earth moving, but willing to look at any project. The pictures displayed are examples of one project we have completed. We are looking to join forces with a playground equipment supplier to furnish and install all your playground equipment.